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Eliminating Bad Breath With Intermittent Fasting | Q&A

Jul 09, 2024

In this article, I cover another round of frequently asked questions in our intermittent fasting community. Do you want to know how to eliminate bad breath while fasting? Are you curious whether new fasting trends are fads or the real deal? Curious if other women have found success with this lifestyle? I will list these questions, along with others, with a timestamp next to each question. 


To see this video on YouTube, click here.


How to maintain a healthy weight [01:21]

Do you adhere to any specific eating style? [3:03] 

What can be used to freshen breath while fasting? [6:19] 

Mary lost 65 pounds and kept it off [10:48] 

What clean foods do you eat during your feasting window? [12:00]

Eat once every 6 days? [16:06]

New Fasting Trend: snack while fasting [18:29]

Easiest lifestyle [23:18]

Angela lost 100+ pounds and kept it off  [24:18]


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